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时间:2024-03-13    浏览次数:


Title:Brain Intelligence Science Alliance (BISA) Flagship Seminar——Multiple views of human brainstem catecholamine neurons

Date:Friday 22nd March,2024

Time:15:00-17:00 pm, Sydney time

12:00-14:00 pm Beijing time

Meeting URL:


Meeting ID: 831 0018 9755

Room details: Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney: M02F 301 Level 3 Teaching Room


YuHong Fu and Paul Austin, University of Sydney

Qiang Luo, Fudan University

Speaker No.1

Time:3:05-3:35 pm Sydney

25 mins presentation, 5mins for Q/A


Associate Prof. Heidi Jacobs, Massachusetts General Hospital and Maastricht University

Title: Locus Coeruleus Imaging: Towards Very Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease

Brief Bio:

Heidi Jacobs is an Associate Professor of radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School and visiting Associate Professor at Maastricht University (Netherlands). She directs the Jacobs Lab with a focus on improving the early detection and treatment of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease by targeting the initial brain sites of pathology, the neuromodulatory subcortical systems. She is co-leader within the Harvard Aging Brain Study, Chair of the “neuromodulatory subcortical systems” professional interest area of ISTAART and advisory council member of ISTAART.

Her work is supported by the NIH-NIA, BrightFocus Foundation and Alzheimer Association funding. Heidi Jacobs was trained in Biological psychology in the Netherlands, worked for several years in a clinical setting as a psychotherapist and neuropsychologist in Belgium, and in 2011 obtained her PhD in clinical neuroscience in the Netherlands.

After her postdoctoral training in Germany she received the prestigious VENI-independence award to start her own lab. Dr. Jacobs has published over 130 peer-reviewed research articles and received the de Leon Neuroimaging award for the best neuroimaging paper of 2021 and the International Junior Investigator award from the International College of Geriatric Psychoneuropharmacology.

Speaker No.2

Time:3:35-4:00 pm Sydney

20mins presentation, 5mins for Q/A


Dolores Huang, Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney

Title: Investigating the Somatotopic Organization of the Human Basal Ganglia and the Locus Coeruleus with 7T MRI

Brief Bio:

Dolores completed her Bachelor of Science majoring in Pharmacology at the University of Sydney in 2021. She completed her Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours) in Neuroscience in 2022 and is currently a second year PhD student at the Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney. Her honours research focused on resting state functional connectivity in basal ganglia structures in healthy individuals using fMRI.

One aspect of her PhD project is investigating somatotopy across all basal ganglia nuclei in healthy volunteers performing movements using the latest ultrahigh resolution MRI.Findings from this study will then be used to compare to those with movement disorders such as dystonia and tremor due to Complex Regional Pain Syndrome or Parkinson’s Disease.

Speaker No.3

Time:4:00-4:25 pm Sydney

20mins presentation, 5mins for Q/A


Prof. Gulgun Sengul, Ege University

Title: Human Brainstem: Cyto- and Chemoarchitecture of Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons (A8-A10)

Brief Bio:

Prof.Gulgun Sengul,MD,is a neuroanatomist and neuroscientist affiliated with Ege University in Izmir, Turkey. Her primary research focus lies in neuroanatomy, particularly pertaining to the brainstem and spinal cord.

She has authored three international scientific books and numerous book chapters published by Elsevier, in addition to contributing to 49 research articles featured in SCI and SCI-Expanded indexed journals.

Since 2018, Dr.Sengulhas been actively involved in ongoing atlas and research projects in collaboration with Professor George Paxinosand and Professor Charles Watson. Notably, she co-authored "The Spinal Cord: A Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation Text and Atlas" (Watson,Paxinos,Kayalioglu; Elsevier, 2009). Her notable works include "Atlas of the Spinal Cord of the Rat, Mouse, Marmoset, Rhesus, and Human" (Sengulet al., Elsevier, 2013) and "The Mammalian Spinal Cord" (Watson et al., Elsevier, 2021), which represent the first spinal cord atlases for marmosets, rhesus monkeys, and humans.

Dr.Sengulhas played a significant role in advisory boards such as the Allen Institute for Brain Science Mouse Spinal Cord Atlas Project and the brainstem segment of the Human Brain Project.

She is currently serving as the chair of the Federative International Committee for Scientific Publications (FICSP) of International Federation of Associations of Anatomy (IFAA), Executive Committee member of the IFAA, Vice President of the Neuroscience Society of Turkey (NST), Governing Council Member of the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO), and Chapter Leader of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) in Turkey.

Speaker No.4

Time:4:25-4:50 pm Sydney

20mins presentation, 5mins for Q/A


Dr Chu-Chung Huang,

School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China


Neuroimaging Atlases for Human Brain Research: AAL3 and HCPex

Brief Bio:

Dr. Chu-Chung Huang's research utilizes non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging to explore aging trajectories in brain structure and function.

Investigating the interplay between gray and white matter is essential for understanding cognitive function and the onset of neurodegenerative diseases.

Dr. Huang integrates advanced neuroimaging techniques, such as cortical morphometry and diffusion MRI, to reconstruct human brain networks as probes for cognitions.

His primary objective is to establish objective biomarkers, facilitating the evaluation of brain health throughout various stages of the human lifespan.